Ziyi Yang (Vivian)


An integrated media artist in progress, usually inspired by fantasy utopia and nature; with passions for new technologies and speculative futures.


Botanic Dreams

Botanic Dreams emerges as a profound exploration into the realm of nature therapy and game therapy. This visionary project seamlessly weaves together elements of space, sound, and visuals, transcending the boundaries of reality to craft a transformative VR experience imbued with healing properties. Its inception can be traced back to the artist’s odyssey, wherein solace was discovered amidst a verdant forest, teeming with the enchanting fragrances of botanical life.

Drawing inspiration from the esteemed Barbican Centre, the artist deftly combines imagination and ingenuity to fashion an ethereal hybrid garden of whimsy. Within this transcendent realm, the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, unveiling a sanctuary capable of mending both body and spirit. Its purpose is to extend solace and healing to those burdened by the shackles of social barriers or hindered by physical ailments, individuals for whom venturing beyond the confines of their homes is an insurmountable challenge.

Botanic Dreams stands as a testament to the power of artistic expression, beckoning individuals to embark on a transformative journey within the immersive realm of virtual reality – a realm where the harmony of nature and the catharsis of gaming converge, offering respite, rejuvenation, and the promise of newfound serenity.

Botanic Dreams
The official version is still in production, you can experience the prototype here: https://hubs.mozilla.com/fJJDjQx/gorgeous-salmon-sphere


Archijecture is a composite of architecture and conjecture. It is a conference which explores speculative future living spaces and global habitats. It collects artworks revolving around the theme of colour in architecture, exploring population growth, the built environment, horizon architecture and sustainable development.

Architectural colour is the main part of urban landscape, architectural colour is correspondingly the protagonist of urban colour. Its proper handling directly affects the beauty of urban colour. Colour plays four main roles in architecture, which are physical, decorative, identification and emotional.

The exhibition includes talks and workshops. The key visual of the exhibition gives different abstract colour meanings to the functional areas in future urban buildings. The idea is that people can conceive reasonable future buildings by simply moving the colour blocks. Architecture thus becomes flexible and crowd-created.

